August 9, 2019

Mountain Training Qualifications

Mountain Training Qualifications

Garland Mountaineering offers the full range of Mountain Training qualifications from Hill Skills to Mountain Leader, Rock Skills to Rock Climbing Development Instructor and Foundation and Development Coach. 

All courses are delivered by Mountain Training approved Course Directors and any additional staff are all experienced and current in practice.

Courses take place across the UK from the South West, North Wales, South Wales, London and Scotland.

You can book the course online through the links below, or please drop us an email if you have any questions….

Refresher courses are available for all qualifications on request.

Mountain Training

Mountain Training Courses

Walking Qualifications

Hill and Mountain Skills

Lowland Leader

Hill and Moorland Leader

Camping Leader

Mountain Leader

Coaching Qualifications

Foundation Coach

Development Coach

Climbing Qualifications

Rock Skills

Climbing Wall Instructor

Climbing Wall Development Instructor

Rock Climbing Instructor

Rock Climbing Development Instructor

Coaching Courses

BMC FUNdamentals - 1,2 and 3

Please book any of these course via the Mountain Training website

Mountain Training